Cloud Atlas Full Movie Download

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Cloud Atlas explores how the actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another throughout the past, the present and the future. Action, mystery and romance weave dramatically through. Dmv handbook 2019. Cloud Atlas (2012) Subtitles. Hp dc5100 drivers windows 7. Everything is connected: an 1849 diary of an ocean voyage across the Pacific; letters from a composer to his lover; a thriller about a conspiracy at a nuclear power plant; a farce about a publisher in a nursing home; a rebellious clone in futuristic Korea; and the tale of a tribe living on post-apocalyptic Hawaii far in the future.

With a budget of over 100 million dollars, Cloud Atlas is one of the most expensive independent films to date.
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In 2005, while on the London set of V for Vendetta (2005), Natalie Portman gave a copy of the original novel to Lana Wachowski, who became deeply interested in it. A year later, both Wachowski siblings wrote a first draft of the screenplay. Tom Tykwer, a friend of the Wachowskis, was invited to co-author several subsequent drafts with them in the following two years, constantly keeping in mind observations by the book's author himself, David Mitchell, while looking for international investors. In all those years, Portman was promised the role of Sonmi-451, but had to turn down the role at the last minute after becoming pregnant in 2010. However, she is given a special thanks in the closing credits.
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The film went through numerous difficulties to land a financial backer, including studio Warner Brothers' decision to pull out when they didn't like the numbers. The directors had waived their fees and started putting in their own money to keep the project afloat. Lana Wachowski credited Tom Hanks with helping get the film off the ground, and he inspired many of the cast and crew by being the first to fly to Berlin to begin shooting the film. According to Wachowski, Hanks was very enthusiastic about the project.
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One of the few films in history that has three directors working together as an original team who equally share directing credit.
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The whole film was shot with two parallel filming units, one under the helm of Tom Tykwer and the other under the direction of Lilly Wachowski and Lana Wachowski, sharing no crew members beside the cast and the directors themselves.
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Lilly Wachowski and Lana Wachowski directed the 1849, 2144, and 2321 segments of the film. Tom Tykwer directed the 1936, 1973, and 2012 segments.
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The cover of the book 'The Revelation of Sonmi 451' is made from interwoven Fabricant collars, its pages with their clothes, and words stitched from strands of their own hair.
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Because of the nature of casting on the film, the directors told the actors to think of their roles as a 'genetic strain' rather than a series of individual parts, with actions in one story-line affecting another.
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Tom Hanks claims that this is one of the few films of his own that he likes to rewatch.
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David Mitchell, author of the source novel, has a cameo in the Neo-Seoul sequence, playing a freedom fighter.
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Approximately twenty million dollars of the film's budget came from the German government.
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The Wachowskis contributed seven million dollars of their own money to the film.
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The large Korean letters on the rejuvenation drink boxes drunk by Somni-451 and the Fabricants read 'Be New' when translated into English. The Hangul characters are 'bi-nu', which translates to 'soap'.
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While on the set of this movie, Tom Hanks started calling Lana Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski, 'Mom and Dad,' because they worked so well together and as leaders of the cast and crew.
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Number 451 (Luisa Rey's apartment and Sonmi-451) comes from a classic science fiction novel by Ray Bradbury, 'Fahrenheit 451'. It denotes a temperature needed to burn books.
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Doona Bae's emotional state was mostly attributed to being very alone when she arrived to Germany and only kept in touch with the cast and crew.
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Vyvyan Ayrs's mansion in the 1936 plot-line, shows up again as Aurora House, where Timothy Cavendish becomes imprisoned in the 2012 plot-line. Jim Broadbent plays Vyvyan in 1936 and also Timothy Cavendish in 2012.
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The director's longest runtime for any of their former films, running at 2 hours and 52 minutes.
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The first Wachowski film to be credited to Lana Wachowski following her transition.
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Luisa Rey's parents Lester and Judith Rey appear to be a tip of the hat to science fiction publishing greats Lester del Rey and Judy-Lynn del Rey.
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Cavendish is the name of the town in Vermont, that Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived in, while in exile.
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The picture of Halle Berry's character's father originally came from the Korean War National Museum.
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The character played by Amanda Walker is nursing-home resident 'Veronica Costello,' based on the popular song 'Veronica' sung by Elvis Costello and written by Elvis Costello and Sir Paul McCartney. That song tells the story of a similar Veronica.
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A cloud atlas is a real thing. It is a collection of images of clouds, showing all the different types which occur in the atmosphere and their various names.
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The train Cavendish is riding when he mentions traveling the same paths is travelling the same tracks that Frobischer rides.
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Ian McKellen and James McAvoy were offered roles.
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Hugh Grant joined the cast a few days before filming commenced.

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Pre-nominated for its visual effects by the Academy but it failed to make the final selection.
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The film cast includes four Oscar winners: Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, and Susan Sarandon.
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The propellers used on the truck, in which Sonmi-451 and Hae-Joo Chang escape, are the same as the ones used on the ships that appear in The Matrix (1999)
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When Cavendish mentions knocking on the door, when reminiscing about his past love (played by Susan Sarandon), the next scene in 'post-apocalypse' world has her character (the Abbess) answer the door.
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The first post-Bound (1996) film by Lilly Wachowski and Lana Wachowski not to involve a video game tie-in.
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Timothy Cavendish (Jim Broadbent) tells Dermott (Tom Hanks) to consider Herman Melville, whose novel 'Moby Dick' was dismissed while he was alive, but celebrated highly after his death. Ben Whishaw (who plays Frobisher) played Herman Melville in In the Heart of the Sea (2015).
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Despite it's critical success, the film was named 'Worst Movie of 2012' in Time Magazine's Top 10 list.
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Ben Whishaw, Jim Broadbent, and Hugh Grant later appeared in Paddington 2 (2017).
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The trivia items below may give away important plot points.

The jewel that Zachry (Tom Hanks) inspects at the beginning of the Big Island plot-line, is actually a button from Adam Ewing's coat, that was stolen by Dr. Henry Goose (Tom Hanks again). In the climactic struggle with the Kona tribe, in which Zachry is being strangled, the button breaking away from his necklace actually saves his life.
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The newly submitted manuscript that Timothy Cavendish is reviewing, while riding the train, is a Luisa Rey Mystery by Javier Gomez, the young boy that hangs around Rey's apartment and keeps telling her that her investigative assignments would make good mystery stories.
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James D'Arcy is the only actor to play the same character (Rufus Sixsmith) in two different segments.
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During the prison escape in Neo-Seoul, at the point when the plumbing truck is forced by the police to land, there is a sign visible on a building reading (in English) 'Swannekke Atomic Power, Inc.', an apparent connection to the company running the nuclear power plant in 1973.
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The six characters who have a comet-shaped birthmark (and who are the main characters) in each history are these: Adam Ewing (Jim Sturgess), Robert Frobisher (Ben Whishaw), Luisa Rey (Halle Berry), Timothy Cavendish (Jim Broadbent), Sonmi 451 (Doona Bae), and Zachry (Tom Hanks).
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All cast members have several roles in the final film, spanning different times, races and even genders. This was achieved through prosthetics, wardrobe and tight production times to switch actors between units. For instance, Halle Berry described the experience of filming as a Jewish woman in the 1930s under the direction of Tom Tykwer one day, then switching to an old tribal woman under the helm of Lilly Wachowski and Lana Wachowski, and then again as a environmentalist in the 1970s, all in the same week.
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The movie contains a spoiler for Soylent Green (1973): Timothy Cavendish says 'Soylent Green is people' which is a reference to Sonmi 451's story, in which old clones are recycled as food to feed new clones, and also to a science fiction film he had seen in the past, where old people are 'recycled' into a new staple in the diet called 'Soylent Green'.
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All the characters played by Hugh Grant and Hugo Weaving in the movie are villains.
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Vyvyan Ayrs (Jim Broadbent) comes into Robert Frobisher's room saying he's heard music in his dream from a violin. The music is, of course, the Cloud Atlas Sextet. In Neo Seoul, an old man (also Broadbent) is shown playing the Sextet on an ErHu (or Chinese Violin).
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When they show the night sky at the end of the movie, the bright galaxy shown is in the shape of the birthmark seen throughout the film.
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Despite Sixsmith and Frobisher's close relationship in the film, they are never actually shown speaking to one another.
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In the 1970s segment a heavily made up Doona Bae (playing a Mexican worker) says 'We no need Union!' In the 2230 segment, Doona Bae's character, Sonmi-451, is rescued and then recruited by a resistance faction calling itself Union.
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In Sonmi-451's plot line, she and Hae-Joo watch an adaptation of the 2012 plot in a movie called 'The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish'. The movie's title screen shows that it was released in MMLXII, or 2062.
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Reversing his character, Tom Hanks starts playing Dr. Henry Goose, a killer, and ends playing Zachry, a savior.
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The name George appears at several parts of the movie:
  • In 1849, Kupaka talks about the 'Georgia Way';
  • In 1936, Vyvyan Ayrs comments about St. George statue;
  • In 2012, Cavendish brothers related with Georgette;
  • In 2144, one of the 'recycling' buildings has 'GEO R93' on its roof
  • In 2321, Zachry is haunted by Old Georgie.
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While Timothy Cavendish's line 'Soylent Green is people!' while trying to leave Aurora House is a fun reference to the film Soylent Green (1973), it is also a clever foreshadowing to revelation in the Neo-Seoul storyline that the cadavers of the clone waitresses of Papa Song are recycled into food.
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The six main characters in each history/story all have a comet-shaped birthmark; Adam Ewing (Chest), Robert Frobisher (Lower Back), Luisa Rey (Left Shoulder), Timothy Cavendish (Right Calf), Sonmi 451 (Neck), and Zachry (Back of head).
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After agreeing to guide Meronym's character to Mauna Sol in the far future segment, Zachary says 'I'll guide you to death's door if you want.' The next cut is of Timothy Cavendish arriving at the Seniors home that he believes is a hotel.
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Timothy Cavendish's comet shaped birthmark is on his leg in the movie.
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