Windows Installer 2.0 Windows 98


Nov 29, 2006  Install a localized version of the language pack on a localized version of Windows, in which the system code page is the same for both languages. For example, install the French Language Pack on the German version of Windows 98. Install the.NET Framework version 2.0 on any localized version of Windows. Apr 22, 2002  The Microsoft Windows Installer is an installation and configuration service that ships as part of the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system, and is provided as a redistributable product for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, and NT version 4.0.

Active9 years, 8 months ago

How can an automatic installer for .NET 2.0 application be created for Windows 98?

I mean for application and also for .NET 2.0 if missing.

I tried to do it by creating a setup project for Visual Studio 2008, but I didn't succeed.I installed IE6 SP1 manually, but Installer still crashed.Windows Installer 2.0 is installed. It's impossible to install Installer 3.0 there.I unchecked Installer at Setup Project prerequisites, but still it's not possible to install the application - the error message says that it requires a newer version of Windows.

How can this be resolved?

Peter Mortensen
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4 Answers

Do not use Visual Studio 2008 if you intend to deploy to Windows 9x or ME. VS2008 does not support these operating systems anymore, and if you're stuck with them you should use VS2005 or earlier. Also see this question: Does Visual Studio 2008 support windows 98?

Mihai LimbășanMihai Limbășan

Buy Windows 98 Installer

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According to this article Win98 is supported for 2.0 why not just getting the redistributable from Microsoft?

56.2k21 gold badges113 silver badges156 bronze badges

According to MS here, Windows Installer 3.0+ is not available for Windows 98.

Running Installer 3.1 setup manually on Windows 98 fails with the message

Missing entry point for NtOpenProcessToken function

Peter Mortensen
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You need to manually update the machine to windows installer 3.x first. Then it should go.

Joel CoehoornJoel Coehoorn
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Instmsi.exe is the redistributable package for installing Windows Installer 2.0, and earlier versions of Windows Installer. See Windows Installer Redistributables for the redistributables for Windows Installer 3.0 and later versions.

For more information about which version of the Windows Installer was shipped with your operating system, see Released Versions of Windows Installer.

Some redistributables should not be run on certain versions of the operating system. The following table describes which Instmsi is compatible on which operating system.

If Instmsi.exe installs this version of the Windows InstallerInstmsi.exe can be run on these operating systemsInstmsi.exe must not be run on these operating systems
Windows Installer version 1.0Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0+SP3Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Windows Installer version 1.1Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0+SP3Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Windows Installer version 1.2Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0+SP3Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Windows Installer version 2.0Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0+SP6, Windows 2000Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008

For example, an application that redistributes Windows Installer version 1.1 should check that the operating system is Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or Windows 98/95 before running the redistributable package. Applications using the redistributable package should also ensure that the ANSI version of the Windows Installer is installed on Windows 98/95, and that the Unicode version is installed on Windows NT or Windows 2000. Note that some applications rename the Unicode version to InstMsiW.



Command Line Options

The command line options are case-insensitive.

/qFor use by applications that redistribute the Windows Installer as part of a bootstrapping application. No UI is presented to the user. The bootstrapping application should check the return code to determine whether a reboot is needed to complete the installation of the Windows Installer.
/tUsed for debugging purposes only.
/c:'msiinst /delayreboot'The delayed reboot option. Prevents Instmsi from prompting the user for a reboot even if it had to replace files that were in use during the installation. If Instmsi is invoked with this option, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED if it had to replace files that were in use. If it did not have to replace files that were in use, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. Available with Instmsi for Windows Installer 2.0 or later. See the remarks section for additional information on delayed reboots.
/c:'msiinst /delayrebootq'The quiet version of the delayed reboot option. It does not present any UI to the user. Otherwise the behavior is identical to the previous option. Available with Instmsi for Windows Installer 2.0 or later. See the remarks section for additional information on delayed reboots.
/?Displays help.


Bootstrapping applications that use Instmsi.exe to install the Windows Installer with another application may require an extra system reboot. This is potentially an extra reboot in addition to any reboots that are needed to install the application.

The delayed reboot option is only recommended for setup developers who want to eliminate an extra reboot caused by using Instmsi.exe with a setup application that installs files that are in use.

Sep 16, 2010  XNA Game Studio 4.0 is a programming environment that allows you to use Visual Studio 2010 to create games for Windows Phone, the Xbox 360 console, and Windows-based computers. XNA Game Studio 4.0 includes the XNA Framework 4.0, which is a set of managed libraries designed for game development based on Microsoft.NET Framework 4. Aug 05, 2012  The download includes Visual Studio Express 2010, but if you already have a better version of Visual Studio 2010, you can download and install the XNA tools separately: XNA Game Studio 4.0 and XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh. You might also want to buy an Xbox 360 controller for your PC for testing purposes, though of course this is optional. Sep 13, 2011  Introduction. XNA Game Studio is a great way for beginning game developers to start creating games quickly. XNA is built on the.NET framework which allows you to. CoDe Magazine Article: Introducing XNA Game Studio Express (XNA 4.0) This is the images and source code for the article I wrote for the Sept/Oct 2007 issue of CoDe magazine. If you're following the code along in the book, the images and source code provided here should help you finish the project out. Xna game studio express.

Developers should do the following in their setup application to use the delayed reboot option. This option is not available with Instmsi.exe versions that install Window Installer versions earlier than version 2.0:

To use the delayed reboot option

Windows 98 Install Disk

  1. Call Instmsi.exe with one of the delayed reboot command line options.

  2. Treat the return of either ERROR_SUCCESS or ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED as meaning success.

  3. Get the path to the folder containing the newly installed Windows Installer binaries from the InstallerLocation value under:


    This value is of type REG_SZ.

  4. Set the current directory to the path obtained in step 3.

  5. Invoke Msiexec on the application's package and run other setup code specific to the application. If the setup application uses MsiInstallProduct, then the application must load MSI.DLL from the location obtained in step 3.


    Applications that call LoadLibrary on the new MSI.DLL in the location obtained in step 3 must ensure that an older version of MSI.DLL has not already been loaded within the process. If an older version of MSI.DLL was loaded within the process, it must be unloaded from the process address space prior to the LoadLibrary call for the new MSI.DLL.

  6. If step (5) does not require a reboot and if Instmsi.exe had returned ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED in step (1), prompt the user for a reboot to complete the setup of the Windows Installer binaries on the system. However, if a reboot occurs in step (5), no additional steps are required.

Instmsi.exe is available in the Windows SDK Components for Windows Installer Developers.

Windows 98 Cd

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